I'm against animal testing . - Quotes
17 Mar 2010 Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry
Animal Poems and Poetry
Information about animal cruelty poem . Against animal testing · Alternative to animal testing · Animal cons pro testing · Product testing on animal
Animal Testing - Poem by higherXground
Animal Rights Poetry Moo-ving people toward compassionate living. Visit the all- creatures.org war paint, just animal testing . I am myself all painted up
Animal Stories
A while ago I was asked to write a poem about Animal Testing and I came up with this, 15th draft this was!!! I couldn't find something to rhyme with animals
SchoolTube - A Poem About Testing
7 posts - 4 authorsThis is a poem I wrote about animal testing and about how I feel about the heartless people who work on them. by XxRavensWingsxX 34 lines, 4 comments,
Tucson H.A.A.N.D. Attacks Vivsectors' home and Mining Scumbag
16 Nov 2008 That animals aren't human. Is an often heard refrain You used the word " human" a few too many times in succession, but other than it's good.
Animal testing
through the eyes of a chimp - A Poem : The results of animal testing can be manipulated by the scientist, casting doubt on the validity of the findings.
Sad poem : A poem about animal testing in laboratories
15 Apr 2010 Animal testing pros and cons. Friends in need poems Before you proceed to pros and cons of animal testing you must know - Does animal
Animal Testing - Louise Ashley - Home
Testing, Testing- Poem by H.Louise Ashley. Many doctors now question the viability. Reliability Of animal testing . For drugs. Many innocent animals
Miscellaneous Poems - Animal Rights Poetry
Look Away, a poem for strays · Rescue to Show Cat There are NO government regulations requiring animal testing , companies choose to use it.
Animal Rights Quotes-Historical Literature | Animal Rights History
Animal Rights Poetry -Plays. "Poets, the Unacknowledged Legislators of the World, " Quotes from Activists Against Vivisection, Testing on Animals, Animal
Animal Experimentation, Primate Experimentation : Save The Primates
This poem was written to send to a farming newspaper in support of Philip Wollen ..... Alternatives to animal testing exist. It is not only unethical to use
Animal Testing : I Write Poetry Story & Experience
Main page · Fur · Hunting · Animal Testing · Pets · Campaigns · Cruelty-free Shopping · Links. What's in a Name? In the name of progress
Animal cruelty poem
9 Apr 2009 Check out the Animal Testing poem and create some creative poems of your own.
26 May 2009 A humorous look at animal testing from the animal's point of view.
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