Rath of Brighid homepage
25 Jan 2011 It is that time of year again, when bloggers around the world post a favorite poem in honor of Brigid , the Irish goddess and patron saint of
My Middle Name is Patience: 6th Annual Brigid Poetry Festival
30 Jan 2011 This year's Brigid Poetry Festival is already in full swing! Event caretaker and host Anne Hill posted on January 25th (http://gnosiscafe
The Gods Are Bored: Synchronous Brighid Poetry Blogging
4 Feb 2011 The 6th Annual Brigid Poetry Festival Anne's set up a Facebook page for Brigid this year. My poem is by Judy Grahn from her book,
Honoring Brighid Through Prayer and Poetry « Keeping Brighid's Flame
1 Feb 2011 This fire will not die. / It cannot be quieted, / nor made demure, / this fire, red-white, / that burns in my belly, / engulfs my heart
Brighid , Bright Goddess of the Gael
1 Feb 2011 Every year, there is a global uprising in the name of Blessed Brighid , the Goddess and patron saint of healing, art and poetry .
welcome to: Ground Hog Day... Another Poem for Brighid
7 posts - 6 authors - Last post: 27 Jun 2010Here is an offering poem to Brighid that I wrote many years ago. It has also been used to cast circles in her honour.
2011 Annual Brighid Poetry Festival: Prophecy | Innocence and
30 Jan 2010 However, in recognition of the fifth annual Brighid Poetry Blogging (don't ask for a link, just do it), I want to contribute somehow.
Brigid Poem
1 Feb 2011 Do you regret turning your ear to the dark, / you who were
Selections from the Brighid Poetry Slam | News for Dallas, Texas
The Sixth Annual Brighid Poetry Festival this year was the best one yet! Every year, everyone on the Web is invited to share a favorite poem in honor of the
Honoring Brighid on my altar - Wicca Online Community For Pagans
As patron of poets, and poetry , my devotions to Brighid very often take the form of poetry . Being a writer, much of my work ( poetry , fiction,
The Wild Hunt » Brigid Poetry Festival
1 Feb 2011 Ground hog, ground hog..... / Whatcha gonna say today? / Ground hog, ground hog. .... / Tell me, tell me all the way.
Brigid , Poetry in praise of.... | Articles | Àine Minogue
25 Jan 2011 This entry was posted in Festivals, General and tagged Annual Brighid Poetry Festival, brighid, imbolc, poetry. Bookmark the permalink.
Poetry for Brighid's Day : Cari Ferraro
As patroness of Smiths, there is the mention of a forge in a Old Irish poem in praise of Brighid . The poem contrasts Brighid's lasting strength to the

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